The decision to cease support for Easy Designer was not taken lightly. We realise it is one of the best Windows based photo book design applications available. However, the macOs version has lagged well behind the Windows version. Additionally, the ongoing payment of the associated license fees by Cahoots was viewed as not sustainable in the longer term.

We note however, the rise of generic photo book design tools that are not tied to any particular photo book production house. Given the history of changed platforms and orphaned legacy photo book projects, we have taken the brave move to adopt You Design Photo Book as one of our new recommended desktop tools. Although every customer will need to purchase their own YouDesign Photo Book software license, Cahoots will subsidise the cost by offering two voucher codes for subsequent use. (T&C’s apply – contact us for clarifications or queries )

IMPORTANTLY, unlike previous cahoots desktop software tools (Easy Designer, Easy Editor, Cahoots Pizazz), YouDesign Photo Book has no restrictions on output. You can freely produce print resolution PDFs or JPG files, or create lower resolution versions for sharing. You are in full control of your project and can have your book produced however and wherever you want. Naturally at Cahoots, we are ready to assist in producing your physical book!